How to use loot skyrim
How to use loot skyrim

how to use loot skyrim

Then travel back to the Eastern Empire Company Warehouse and find Jaree-Ra. Once you make it to the top, activate the fire to put it out. There should be no guards in the building, although you may see Ma'zaka. He also warns you to not speak with him beforehand, lest you arouse suspicion. After you agree to snuff the fire, he tells you to meet him again by the Solitude docks. Jaree-Ra assures you that the men aboard won't be harmed, and 'may even be grateful for the daring rescue we'll perform'. A ship called the Icerunner is due to soon come into port, and without the lighthouse fire to guide it, it will crash on the rocks. He then (if you indicate interest) tasks you to put out the fire in the Solitude Lighthouse. Speak to him, and he asks how you would like making some gold. In Solitude, find an Argonian named Jaree-Ra leaning against a wall under the stairs closest to the gate. Jaree-Ra waiting for you at the docks A Quiet Word

How to use loot skyrim