You click Settings, select Registration Key and click Deactivate. If you still experience any activation issues after following these steps, please raise a ticket at V4 Users This procedure only works for SAM Broadcaster and SAM DJ. We recommend manually deactivating your license before upgrading to Windows 10 by clicking Config – Registration Key – Deactivate to avoid any activation issues.

Quick TIP: What to do Before Installing Windows 10 If your software version is from 2013 going forward, your SAM Broadcaster should work on Windows 10 so we recommend that you try upgrading to Windows 10 before you consider upgrading your SAM Broadcaster software. The ultimate solution is to upgrade your software to v2015.2. Whilst our latest version of SAM Broadcaster, v2015.2 is fully compatible with Windows 10, users on older versions of SAM Broadcaster might experience problems. With the introduction of Windows 10, SAM Broadcaster users have had different experiences.

Windows 10 – SAM Broadcaster Compatibility